Robert Odera Ubaka, first cried on 03/24/1993 . Been living & appreciating life how ever it comes because when it goes we won't have the opportunity to do all that.
I believe in two things God & Me, every other thing has to come under that otherwise it doesn't exist in my dictionary.

-Believe DON'T trust !

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year (2012)

365 days gone & it's another year, everyone has high hope & super believes because they hope it'll be better than the last one. The funny part about everything is when someone tells me new year, new chapter. I actually think that's wrong because in a book no matter how many times the chapter changes, it always continues the story from the recent chapter. So I hope you know that what ever you do everyday inflicts on how everything will be in the future, so I urge you to take everyday of this year as a blessing & do whats right. well cheers to another year & another chance to get it right. I wish everyone a blessed & prosperous one.
For me it's a new year but still the same old GOAL!

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