Robert Odera Ubaka, first cried on 03/24/1993 . Been living & appreciating life how ever it comes because when it goes we won't have the opportunity to do all that.
I believe in two things God & Me, every other thing has to come under that otherwise it doesn't exist in my dictionary.

-Believe DON'T trust !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just another family

When you look at those pictures you'll think this is a family or very close group of friends, well you're very right. This is a team that ended up being more than just a team, more than friends, more than best friends, more than a family; we're almost like a connection & we need one another to function. Someone once told me that in other to succeed in what ever you're doing, you'll have to love the surroundings... many people misunderstand the word team, you just have to realize that the closer you're to you're next mate the better you might function because you know you have someone behind that looks up to you & not against you.
I learned different lesson from this group of people, but the most important one is that "coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress but working together is success & that's because individually we are one drop but together we are an ocean."

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