Robert Odera Ubaka, first cried on 03/24/1993 . Been living & appreciating life how ever it comes because when it goes we won't have the opportunity to do all that.
I believe in two things God & Me, every other thing has to come under that otherwise it doesn't exist in my dictionary.

-Believe DON'T trust !

Friday, September 30, 2011


I always believed that if you really want something you'll fight for it but then I remembered  that most things are just not meant to be. So at this point you end up questioning yourself what you should really do...all I could say is that if you made sacrifices, fought to make things work & you're still unhappy cos it's not working then maybe you should spend all that time with someone else that deserve the effort cos remember you also need to be happy. So with that; make you're conclusion & decision hoping that with time everything would make perfect sense. Always remember -"The best stuff to have are always the most complicated to deal with-" so buckle up before you think about facing the storm.

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